If you are producing a podcast to grow your business—and not be the next internet celebrity—you don’t need to appeal to everybody. You only need to serve a very distinct and defined core audience.
Do Less. Sell More. Here's Your Permission Slip.
You know it to be true in your gut, but it's hard to convince your head of it: you simply can't be everywhere at once. And you can't be all things to all people. So stop doing what’s not working, and do this instead.
Last week I promised to share with you the one marketing tactic that consistently achieves the highest ROI of anything out there, regardless of vertical or market.
Did you guess what it was?
The answer may surprise you…
What is Marketing FOMO? And How to Cure It!
The most common question I received when launching The Fix "news"letter is why. Why are you (me) providing free tips and best practices, and how can I (that's you) put them into practice? The answer is simple: FOMO.
No, not fear of missing out.
When I'm talking about "FOMO," I'm actually describing the most common mistake I see marketers and business owners make when it comes to marketing their products and services. And I want to help people avoid these costly errors…
The Fix Is In! (...and you're a part of it!)
The Fix is a free (forever!) monthly "news"letter published by Tom Nixon to curate the best available content and resources for anyone looking to build a business, grow a practice, or increase a network online. Peak inside to see what comes in each issue, and how it will cure your Marketing FOMO forever!
The Content Good Samaritan
One of my most successful posts on LinkedIn was something I never even posted.
Guess I’d better explain...
We’ve been talking a lot lately about the mark of a true thought leader is a willingness to openly and freely share one’s best ideas—without the expectation of reciprocation or reward. Many are afraid of sharing their ideas publicly and at no charge for fear that they are “giving away free advice” or allowing access to “the secret sauce.”
But here’s the deal: The more you give, the more you get.
How to Use Content to Overcome the Selling Aversion
What if, like many, you suffer from an aversion to the notion of “selling,” either out of ethical concerns or a simple distaste for the perception of peddling your wares? After all, you want to practice law, or accounting, or consult...you didn’t earn an advanced degree to be a sales person.
Understandable. But as our careers mature, business development becomes crucial to advancement opportunities. So, we might not like to “sell,” but we’d better be active relationship builders, if nothing else. You might not want to cold call a prospect, or send an unsolicited invitation to lunch, or attend a networking event. But you might not have to.
And this is where content comes in.
Want Better Positioning? Turn that Mirror Into a Window!
Learning to talk about what we do and what we sell is a common stumbling block for professionals who are looking to master the art of business development, marketing, networking and generating broader awareness for what they have to offer the world. And I find that the stumbling block usually arises from a simple matter of positioning—not “positioning” in the sense that we marketers typically mean (as in, your value proposition, your brand statement, and your marketing language), but rather who we’re positioning at the center of the conversation.
People looking to buy any product or service—and certainly a sophisticated, high-stakes professional services—almost always are thinking about themselves when they go looking for a solution and service provider. They are considering their own pain, their own apprehensions or ambitions, their own fears or greatest aspirations.
But yet, too many marketers are also thinking of themselves first when they sit down to write marketing copy or bullet points for a sales pitch—when they should be thinking about the prospect out there looking for that solution to achieve their own ends. It is natural—but unwise!— to start with first-person product claims when developing messaging, pitches or marketing language.
Instead, turn that mirror you’re gazing at…into a window. Here’s how….
The Difference Between Sales and Marketing
Budding entrepreneurs understandably want things to move faster than they typically do. If there were a fast-forward button to success, most would lunge for it instinctively.
But there is a danger in getting too far ahead of oneself. Too many entrepreneurs, in my opinion, are being seduced into thinking the path to fame and fortune is paved with viral videos, digital marketing campaigns and the miracles of social media. I'm here to caution you, however, that the Dollar Shave Clubs of the world are the exception...not the rule.
The Sales and Marketing Conundrum for Professional Services Firms
There is a danger in conflating sales with marketing, or considering them the same function, when really they are distinct activities and requisite skill sets. But there is an equal danger in keeping the functions entirely separate, which is often where both programs (sales and marketing) come up short, with departments at large companies pointing figures and making excuses. There is both an art and science to achieving sales-and-marketing success, if only you can properly identify the obstacles and create manageable workarounds to address them.
Which brings us back to professional services firms
The Time for 2021 Planning Has Arrived: Some Advice
As we approach Q4 2020, there is no better time to reassess where this past year has taken us, and to be more purposeful about how we finish the year—and perhaps look ahead to 2021 with a clearer picture of what we want the future to look like.
Consider this, if we can muster the optimism to do so, the moment at which you regained a degree of control over events, rather than being a victim to circumstances unforeseen and out of one’s control. The time to take charge of your fortunes is now, but it will require not only a shift in mindset, but also an admission of what has changed...some things permanently, and most indefinitely.